Saturday, 21 August 2010

6 Months since Lightning Process seminar

Ok, so here I am after 6 months of being well! Woohoo! I have just read through my last blog post that I did 3 months after the LP seminar and realised that I have made quite a lot of progress since then :)

I am now doing my regular house cleaning in 2 days instead of a few. And I have been pruning the roses in my garden. Still have a bit of work to do there, but I'll get there - gardening is not my favourite thing to be doing in life!

I've also sorted through a few boxes and my wardrobe and got rid of a lot of stuff including old clothes that I never wear! More boxes to go through but no hurry yet!

I have washed my car a couple of times. The first time I felt a bit tired afterwards. The second time I didn't even notice it! :)

One of my nieces told me recently that I'm looking skinnier! :D

I have hung the bright orange curtains in my kitchen and they really brighten it up :)

As far as exercise goes I have discovered aqua jogging and I really enjoy it :) I've been going 2 mornings a week. I also went for that walk on the cape with my sisters and my brother-in-law. My youngest sister said she'd take me up the easy hill but I decided we could go up another hill which turned out to be steeper than it looked! We managed it though and I really enjoyed walking in amongst the pine trees. Even though it's in town it feels like you're out in the country when you're walking there. My other sister and I are going walking nearly every weekend and we've been up there a couple of times since. We've also been to the local gardens a couple of times and one time I enjoyed having a swing with my nieces :)

I am now going to polytech twice a week and am really enjoying my computing course. Have done 3 units so far and have just started on one using Microsoft Access databases.

I'm still getting to church most weeks and am getting to know people in the church that I didn't know before :)

I played pool with Dad again and won 2 out of the first 4 games - not bad considering he's so good! He beat me at the next 4 though! I also played pool with a certain LP trainer who shall remain nameless ;) He asked me to be kind when I mentioned this, but I'm not sure how to say that we played 4 games and I won them all, kindly! hehehe It's nice to know that I've still got it :)

I'm still working at my phone survey job, but have started on my CV and am hoping to start looking for a part-time job here in town soon :)

In June I went to Dunedin for a shopping trip one day. I don't know how long it is since I last did that, but it's been a looonnnng time. I had lunch with a friend and then went shopping for a couple of hours before driving home again.

I mentioned at the end of my 3 month blog post that I hoped to have some exciting news to share with you soon. My Mum had ME/CFS for 26 years and was housebound for 17 years because of it. In May (3 months ago) she learned to do the Lightning Process too and is in the process of getting her life back! She is going walking for 15-20 minutes most days and I've been taking her to the supermarket for the last few weeks and she has been doing her own grocery shopping. This morning she walked around to my place, stayed for a coffee and then I took her for a drive. She has an EFTPOS card now (she couldn't get into the bank to set up the pin number before) and is enjoying being able to do things for herself. She went to a plant nursery the other day and got some new plants for her garden. It is so great to see the transformation that has come about because of the LP. She is like a new person :)

I'm still having "Look at me God - you did this!" moments. I've written in my journal on 30th July "I nearly didn't recognise myself this morning! I got up at 8am on a frosty morning and was singing as I was driving into town at 9am to go aqua jogging!"

As I'm writing this I have had the flu for 11 days and I am missing my new life! It sounds funny but I have been enjoying it so much! I've heard some people have had the flu for 3 weeks, but I'm hoping it won't be that long since it seems to be clearing up slowly... The good thing is I know that now when I get the flu I can recover from it in the same amount of time as healthy people because I'm one of them now! It will no longer drain my energy for months at a time. And there's no chance of it turning into ME/CFS again because I have the LP to deal with that! I'm looking forward to getting back into my exercise, polytech, etc. again this coming week :)

Until next time,
Debbie :)

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Three Months since the Lightning Process seminar!

Ok, so it's 3 months already since I went up to Auckland to attend the Lightning Process seminar and I am still making good progress! I have just been looking through my journal at all that I've been doing and I noted down a list of things....

It's interesting that one month from the seminar I had the flu. 3 months from the seminar I'm getting over something like a cold. I had an irritated throat this week but it seems to be coming right now.

I cancelled my home help lady 2 weeks after I came home and I have been doing my own housework since then. I have progressed from dusting & vacuuming one room a day to doing 3 in one day! And I noticed there was a day when I cleaned my bathroom after having done the shopping! All this would have been completely unheard of when I had ME/CFS!

As well as the housework, I've tidied up the garden a bit (I'm not really very enthused about gardening) and just pulled all the dead leaves out of the iris this week and sprayed the weeds. I seem to have caught up on all the cleaning jobs (like windows) that I wanted to get done and I'm about ready to start sorting through all my stuff and do some "decluttering", before spring cleaning :)

I'm also feeling ready to wash my car myself and would have done it this weekend except for the weather! This was something I used to ask and pay my nieces to do...

I have been cooking myself something nice to eat at the weekends. I used to be really slack about cooking at the weekends and would usually resort to having toast due to my lack of energy. But now that I'm actually getting hungry, toast just isn't really enough! I think I've lost a bit of weight too and am looking thinner in the face :)

I've been doing a bit of sewing - I shortened some sleeves that were too long on a couple of tops that I bought for last winter. I purposely left them until after the LP, hoping I would have more energy :) I've also turned one long curtain into 2 short ones for my kitchen because a cord on the venetian blind in there decided to break just before I went up to Auckland. I just need to get some things to go in the track to hang them on so I can hang them up to get the length right and then I'll finish off the hems.

And I'm still walking and enjoying it! After my long walk on the beach I might have mentioned that my sister is taking me on a walk around the cape next time she comes down, so I've started climbing hills! I've also done some FAST walking a couple of times - I didn't do anything fast when I was sick! And in the last month I've walked to the supermarket and back twice.

Also in the last month I have:

1. Had my oldest niece around for tea and taken my nieces to watch their mother (my sister) in a local Repertory Society play.

2. Been to the movies twice in one week! I saw Home By Christmas and Mao's Last Dancer. When I was in Auckland for the LP seminar I saw Mao's Last Dancer advertised and decided I wanted to go to the movies to see it when it came here. I have the book and really enjoyed the movie :)

3. Started a National Certificate in Computing course at Polytech. I've been going for a couple of hours once a week. I've just finished working through my first unit and have an "assessment" (I'm guessing that's a nice word for a test or exam) this week. It's supposed to take about an hour.

4. Done Communion at church - minus the anxiety which was a part of my illness and which kicked in big time last time I did it. It was so wonderful feeling totally relaxed while I was standing there speaking! I am soooo grateful for the Lightning Process!

5. I was a driver for Meals on Wheels for 3 days one week.

6. And last Saturday I played pool with my Dad for the first time in 13-14 years! We played for an hour and a half and I even managed to win one game with a really good shot. I was very pleased with that :) Dad's really good (he taught me to play snooker as a teenager on a full-sized billiard table at home so no comments about a "misspent youth" thank you!) and I was just pleased to be able to stand for long enough to be able to play! I love it and will be working on getting more practice :)

So my life is starting to become more normal! I'm working at least 2 hours a day when I can on my phone survey job too :) (Just had 2 days off this week because of my throat).

I'm also getting along to church nearly every week :)

And in amongst all this I'm praying and trying to sort out where God wants me to be heading. I know He'll show me at the right time...

That's about it, but it's likely I'll be doing another update soon with some more exciting news - I hope!!!

Until then,
Debbie :)

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Two Months since the Lightning Process seminar

Well, it's 8 weeks since I did the seminar. I've noticed that time is going slower for me now that I'm fitting more in. It just seemed to fly by before when I was doing hardly anything.

And people are saying I look different! I think my face lights up when I'm talking about the Lightning Process and telling people that I'm well.

This photo was taken last weekend. I went to the beach with my sisters and nieces and we went for a long walk. I think it was probably about an hour but (to quote one of my sisters) "we weren't power walking" because we had a 2 year-old with us who was stopping occasionally to play in the sand and was having the time of her life. She wasn't the only one! I'm experiencing such joy and excitement that I'm able to do things like this now with my family. M.E. was such a horrible thing to live with and it was really hard not being able to do as much as would like to with my family, especially with my nephews and nieces as they were growing up. But now it's like I've been set free to be me!

I am still working about 9 hours a week doing my phone survey job. This last week I've been calling businesses and it's been nice to be working during the day and to have my evenings free. This week I'm starting a course at the local polytech working towards a National Certificate in Computing. I think I'll be doing the Level 2 course and depending on how often I can get there (it's self-paced) it could take me a year or two to complete. I'm thinking since I've been out of the work force for 15 years it would help to have something to show I'm up-to-date on my CV. Actually it would also be helpful if I had a CV - something else I need to work on!

This Friday night I'm going with my nieces to watch their mum (my sister) in a local repertory play. She was really good in the last one she did and I'm sure she'll be great again.

On Sunday I've been asked to do Communion at church. I've done it a couple of times before and it's nice to have been asked again now that's it more likely I'll be able to make it to church! And I've volunteered to be a driver for Meals on Wheels three days next week.

I've noticed that I don't seem to be needing as much sleep now, probably due to coming off some of the medication I was on. I think this medication was causing me to have nightmares and I just noticed the other day that I haven't had any for a while, so that's good! Instead one night I had a dream that I was para-sailing and then flying! Woohoo! In some ways I feel like I'm flying now!

It's so nice feeling like I have a life again. Sometimes it's the little things I notice like being able to pop out to the supermarket without having to think about how much energy it would take. I'm using more petrol because I'm getting out more and I'm really enjoying walking. My youngest sister says next time she's down she's going to take me on a walk around the cape which will involve hill-climbing! So I'm planning to start walking on hills now so that I'm ready for it!

Saturday, 20 March 2010

One Month on from the LP Seminar already!

Ok, so here I am doing my update one month since the Lightning Process seminar. I am still doing amazingly well! I sat down and looked at my journal today of all I have been doing in the last month and it is just wonderful that I am now able to do whatever I want to without paying for it later.

This last week threw up a new challenge for me. On Tuesday I was emailing Ian (LP trainer) and I mentioned to him that I thought I was feeling a bit tired and that I thought I needed an early night. I realised a while later when I was started feeling achy and then developed a sore throat that the "feeling a bit tired" was actually "coming down with the flu"!

This has been a challenge for me because 15.5 years ago my M.E./CFS began with the flu and whenever I have had the flu over the past 15 years it has really knocked my energy levels for months at a time.

But I am so grateful I now have the LP to help me deal with it. The flu symptoms only lasted a couple of days and were gone by Friday morning. When I realised I had the flu I began taking garlic oil and echinacea straight away and picked up some vitamin C the next day and started taking it. I have also been taking it easy - no walking or doing anything strenuous until I feel I am over the flu! And I took some time off from my job. And I am feeling good! Yesterday morning, when I was lying in bed and feeling fatigue in my back and thinking that this was how I would be expecting to feel after the flu, I did the LP and it went away! This morning I found myself repeating my old pattern of "I'm probably feeling this tired because of all I did yesterday" and once I realised this and did the LP I began to feel fine again. The Lightning Process is still amazing me!

I am planning to be working again on Monday. And I'm looking forward to getting back into walking again soon because I have really been enjoying it. I was just at the stage where I was thinking of increasing the lengths of my walks when I got the flu, so hopefully it won't be long before I'm doing that!

I am actually glad I have had the challenge of dealing with the flu sooner rather than later. Because I can already see that I can recover from it quickly as my body is now behaving normally. Someone even congratulated me on having the flu - (there's a first! lol) - because it means my body is acting as it should be!

Last night I had a visit from a friend from out of town. I took her down to Subway to get our dinner and I had a 12 inch sub! I'm still finding it funny that I have an appetite!

I think I have gotten over the shock now of the sudden and major changes the LP has brought about in my life and I am looking at setting some more specific goals to achieve the things I am wanting to do now that I have my life back. But as you can see I haven't really worked out yet what "tired" means. For so many years I was so far beyond wiped out or exhausted and it's great that I'm not going to be feeling that "tired" again. Now it's a matter of learning what it's like to be healthy again! And when I am tired from now on it's only going to be a matter of having an early night or getting more sleep! So strange but wonderful!

I have already bought myself a new digital camera and will be able to have more fun with it than I had with my old one because I can go to more places to take photos!

Enjoying my new life,
Debbie :D

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Two Weeks since the Lightning Process Seminar

Well, it's 2 weeks since the seminar and I'm feeling great! Yesterday I sent Ian an email with my two week's worth of successes and it was long! I am so excited to be able to do anything I want to do without paying for it later.

I've been walking nearly every day. I'm keeping it to about 20 minutes at the moment, but I'm already noticing strength in my legs - like they actually want to be walking! Today I took them for a treat ;) I went for a walk some of the way around the cape and they got a good workout going up and down hills :)

I've also been going out most days - something new for me after only being able to go out 2 or 3 times a week on a good week!

This week I went to see my doctor. She was really excited for me and she gave me a prescription so I can start coming off some of my medication :)

I also sat down with my pastor and explained about the LP to him and answered his questions. He wants to be ready for questions from people in the church!

The day after I got home from my trip I started working and have increased the amount of work I'm doing by an hour a day.

We were asked to keep a journal for the first couple of weeks and I think I will probably carry on with it. A couple of days ago I stopped and read some of it. All I could think was "Wow! I did all that one day and woke up feeling fine and did all that the next day and woke up feeling fine and did all that!!!!!"

I'm still coming to terms with my new life. Of course I knew there would be quite a few adjustments to make but I don't think I expected the change brought about by the LP to be so major and sudden! There's a reason why it's called the Lightning Process! It's probably going to take me a bit longer to develop a new routine but with the extra hours I'm working during the week, the weekend is actually feeling like a weekend now!

I'm getting through my to do list for today. This update was one of the things on the list. I'm going now to do some ironing and to make a birthday card for my little niece, Faith, who will be 2 years old next Saturday...

Until next time....

Debbie :D

Saturday, 27 February 2010

More Info and Helpful Links re Lightning Process

If you would like to read my friend Richard's story you will find it here on Ian's website: and this is it written from his mother's perspective:

Ian's website is a helpful one so if you want more info you will find it there or on the official website:

If you are looking for more detail of what is taught at the seminar this is a good page on a different website:

If you are a Christian reading about the LP (or even if you're not) don't be put off by some of the terms they use. They talk about "self-hypnosis". There was no hypnotising of anyone. We were all in total control all the time. Really it was just remembering something and visualising it. I was totally comfortable with everything we were taught to do and at no time did I feel uncomfortable with any of it. I believe God led me to do this so He could heal me (He uses doctors too!) and I am well now!

They have been having success with the LP in England for 10 years treating conditions such as ME, CFS, FMS & PVS and similar conditions such as MCS and Adrenal Fatigue, etc. It also works for Anxiety and Depression. Some private health insurance companies in England and Norway are considering funding the LP for their patients and if you live in Norway and have ME, CFS, etc. the doctor will most likely refer you to the LP!

If you live in Australia or New Zealand, Ian is the only LP Practitioner in this part of the world at the moment. He has a list of seminar dates and locations on his website. He only began seminars in NZ at the beginning of last year and has only been doing them in Auckland so far, but is hoping to do one in Christchurch soon and can also do the seminar by arrangement at your home if you need him to do that. It costs a bit of money but I think it was worth every cent and the trouble that it took for me to get to the seminar.

If you have ME/CFS, Fibro or anything similar, please look into it. There is a lot of negative stuff on the internet about it that simply isn't true, e.g. we did not have to sign a legal document saying we wouldn't talk about it! We were told we can say anything we like. Phil Parker (who developed the LP) is becoming aware of the rumours and is planning to put more info on the main website.

And if you have any questions, please ask me or I think you can contact Ian through his website if you want to.

Debbie :D

My Experience with the Lightning Process

I will start at the very beginning because it's a very good place to start (to quote Julie Andrews!) hehe

I left home on Sunday 14th Feb and drove up to my brother's place near Christchurch (approx 3 hour drive). I stayed with them for a couple of nights before flying up to Auckland. The first night at my brother's place I didn't have a very good night's sleep and was relieved to be able to blob and watch the Winter Olympics all day Monday with my sis-in-law & niece. And there was figure skating on which I love to watch :)

On Tuesday morning I was packing to leave for Auckland when the lady I was staying with in Auckland contacted me to say she would pick me up from the airport. This was a relief to me as the trip was stressful to someone with ME/CFS and it meant I could cancel the shuttle I had booked. I used a wheelchair at the airports to save my energy on the way up to Auckland although when I had to walk a long way after being dropped off at the Chch terminal and had to stand at the help desk for ages while the lady hunted down a wheelchair I was beginning to wonder if there was any point! Upon arrival in Auckland my lovely hostess Tanya was there to meet me. Tanya and her husband Bruce were really loving and generous hosts. They looked after me really well and also fed me very well!

On the Wednesday morning I caught the bus from right outside their house (yes God arranged my accommodation!) and arrived at the church where the seminar was being held in plenty of time. There were 5 of us ladies attending the seminar and I think 4 of us were Christians. The first day was really long - 9am to 5pm with a break for lunch and a short break in the middle of the morning and afternoon. However Ian, who was teaching the seminar, was really easy to listen to and I was surprised that I managed to concentrate all day. On the first day we were taught an abridged version of the Lightning Process and were sent home with our own goals of what we wanted to accomplish that night using the LP. My goal was to go for a walk along the street and I did that even though I hadn't noticed any results yet. It wasn't until I was in bed that night and I did the process that I began to see results. And that was pretty quick really! I realised that my body was really relaxed and I was thinking "I think it's working!" and began to get excited. I woke up during the night in pain, did the LP and the pain all disappeared!

Wednesday was one of the hottest days on record for Auckland. It was 28C/84F with 100% humidity which made it feel like 35C/96F. It was a really long day for me, catching the bus at 8.30am and sitting in the seminar from 9am-5pm. At lunchtime I walked down to a cafe with 2 of the other ladies for lunch and walked back again up the hill. I was hot by then and remained hot for the rest of the day! After the seminar finished I stood in the sun for at least half an hour waiting for the bus. Normally this would have been a completely exhausting day and I would have been so tired the next day that I would have been feeling sick and tired and would have had to spend the day resting on the couch. It probably would have taken me a few days to recover. BUT because I was using the LP that night, I woke up feeling fine the next day! Oh, and I didn't mention that the house I was staying in had stairs and a very steep driveway and the seminar was also upstairs! I was amazed at how quickly I was seeing results and so excited. On the bus on the Thursday morning I was texting people, saying "I think it's working!"

On Thursday the seminar went until 4pm and I hadn't done as much walking that day so I planned to go for a walk that evening along to the shops to buy myself an ice-cream. When I got home Tanya said she was thinking of going for a walk along to the shops that night to buy me an ice-cream! So we went together! Thursday was the day we were taught the full process and I was amazed to notice changes immediately. After I had had my turn at doing it at the seminar I sat down while the next lady was taken through it and I suddenly noticed that my hands were really relaxed and I hadn't really noticed before that they weren't. I guess it was something floating around in the recesses of my mind but I hadn't really consciously thought about it before.

Friday was an interesting day. To start with Ian asked us to get up one by one and talk about the positive things that we had done or noticed in the past 24 hours. As I was talking I was getting really excited. When I finished Ian said "Who is this imposter? What have you done with Debbie? You're all bubbly and excited." Those of you who have known me a long time will know that that's the real me. But to the people in that room it was a bit of a surprise! And it was the same for all five of us. We all had huge positive change using the LP and we could see it on each other's faces.

After the seminar finished on Friday at 3pm I walked down the road to Newmarket and met up with a friend that I hadn't seen since 1989. It was really good to see her and she was the first person to tell me about the LP last year not long after we met up on Facebook.

When I got home that day I talked to my friend Richard (the friend who did the LP last year) on the phone which was really encouraging because I had been feeling a bit anxious about going out and having to do the LP on my own.

On the Saturday morning my friend Christine (from Bible College) came down and took me out for brunch at Mission Bay. It was a lovely day and I had a nice meal and felt like we could have talked for hours. It was sooo good to see her. That afternoon the shuttle picked me up to take me to the airport. We got there pretty quickly because there were only 2 other people to be picked up on the way. At the airport I had time to check in and visit the bathroom before meeting my friend Marlene. It was nice to be able to tell the lady at Auckland airport that I used the wheelchair on the way up but I was fine now and didn't need it! And I was pretty relaxed when I realised the gate number on my boarding pass was different from the one on the departure board! After waiting in line at the help desk to ask the lady about it and then not given any help, I decided to just head in the direction of the gates which were in the same direction to start with anyway. Just when I came to the point where we had to go one way or the other there was an announcement telling us which gate to go to. I had a lovely flight home with a window seat :)

Upon arriving in Christchurch I was very relaxed. I picked up my car keys from information, collected my luggage and headed out to find my car in the carpark. I had left my car in storage and the company closed at 8pm on Saturday night (my flight arrived at 7.50pm) so they had left the car there for me to pick it up. They are doing major alterations to the airport and there was a map with my keys telling me where my car was parked. I think I was a bit disorientated because of the alterations but I stopped and asked a lady to point me in the right direction and then had no trouble finding it. I drove from the airport to my sister's place and her dog was really pleased to see me, probably mainly because he had been at home by himself all day and she was still out when I arrived! I had a late night that night and decided to wait until Monday to drive home, rather than risk driving while I might be feeling sleepy. On Sunday afternoon I went for a walk around the block in the hot sun with my sister & her dog. Then I went to her church that night. I was standing up and singing and clapping and moving to the music. I don't know when I was last able to do that! I woke up feeling great the next morning and headed into Chch to do some clothes shopping before driving home in the afternoon. I managed to get quite a few clothes that were on sale - woohoo! - and some card-making supplies while I was there. I needed new clothes if I was going to be going out more!

I woke up the next morning feeling fantastic and walked around to my Mum's place to see her. Later that afternoon I started working and have increased the hours I'm doing on my phone survey job. Wednesday morning I called in to see Dad, then went for a walk in the local public gardens and took some photos. On Thursday morning I took my car in for its 6 monthly warrant of fitness check and instead of sitting at KFC eating my lunch, I went walking down the main street and back for half an hour! On Friday I did some gardening and Ian phoned me to do some follow-up. And I went around to visit my sister in the afternoon for a while. This morning I went for a 20 minute walk along the beach and have decided I will try to make that a regular weekly thing.

I am well now and know that I can do anything I want to without paying for it later. It will probably take a while to build up my stamina, but I've started walking and it's only going to get better!

I'm planning to see my doctor this coming week and my pastor wants to hear all about it. This is the beginning of a new life for me and I've decided to do things that I enjoy and will be following God's leading into what He has for me in the future.

After a long time of not doing mornings I suddenly have this new life where I'm waking up at 7am rearing to go and it's really quite strange! I think it's going to take some getting used to, but I'm loving it!

I can't thank God enough! And when I think back to my days at Bible College and see that God put Richard and I in the same cell group, only God knew how He was going to use that 17 years down the track!

Thank you so much to all of you who were praying for me. I really did need it and I really do appreciate it :)

Looking forward to the next phase of my life!

The Very Excited and Renewed Debbie! :D

P.S. Will do a new post with helpful links for those of you who want to know more...

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Lightning Process Update

It's happening at last! Finally I have the confirmed dates for the Lightning Process seminar and I've booked my flights. I'm flying up to Auckland on Tuesday the 16th February and the seminar begins at 9am the next morning. It is a 3 day seminar and will all be over before the weekend when I am hoping to catch up with some friends that I haven't seen for years while I'm up there. I fly south again on the Saturday evening and will probably stay with my sister or brother for a night or two (which I'm also planning to do on the way up) before driving home.

So I'm excited and hoping it will mean the end of ME/CFS for me. Please pray for me over the next few weeks that I will be as prepared as possible for the seminar and that it will work for me! I really do believe that God is leading me to do this as a means to His healing me.

Although we're having a really cold summer here at the moment, Christmas Day was really warm (about 29C/86F) and it was just perfect for our BBQ at Dad's place. I enjoyed spending Christmas with my family and it was especially nice to spend it with my nieces :D

My brother and his family arrived in NZ on Boxing Day and we have finally been able to meet my new sister-in-law and niece in person. Little Jasmine is gorgeous and I'm looking forward to getting to know her and watching her grow. It sounds like we'll be seeing plenty of them. My nephew from Australia is coming over this week and they'll be bringing him down to visit us soon. It will be good to see him too :D

So the countdown is on - 5 weeks to go until the LP! Woohoo!

If you would like to read my friend Richard's story about his recovery from ME/CFS using the LP you can read it here: