Sunday, 16 May 2010

Three Months since the Lightning Process seminar!

Ok, so it's 3 months already since I went up to Auckland to attend the Lightning Process seminar and I am still making good progress! I have just been looking through my journal at all that I've been doing and I noted down a list of things....

It's interesting that one month from the seminar I had the flu. 3 months from the seminar I'm getting over something like a cold. I had an irritated throat this week but it seems to be coming right now.

I cancelled my home help lady 2 weeks after I came home and I have been doing my own housework since then. I have progressed from dusting & vacuuming one room a day to doing 3 in one day! And I noticed there was a day when I cleaned my bathroom after having done the shopping! All this would have been completely unheard of when I had ME/CFS!

As well as the housework, I've tidied up the garden a bit (I'm not really very enthused about gardening) and just pulled all the dead leaves out of the iris this week and sprayed the weeds. I seem to have caught up on all the cleaning jobs (like windows) that I wanted to get done and I'm about ready to start sorting through all my stuff and do some "decluttering", before spring cleaning :)

I'm also feeling ready to wash my car myself and would have done it this weekend except for the weather! This was something I used to ask and pay my nieces to do...

I have been cooking myself something nice to eat at the weekends. I used to be really slack about cooking at the weekends and would usually resort to having toast due to my lack of energy. But now that I'm actually getting hungry, toast just isn't really enough! I think I've lost a bit of weight too and am looking thinner in the face :)

I've been doing a bit of sewing - I shortened some sleeves that were too long on a couple of tops that I bought for last winter. I purposely left them until after the LP, hoping I would have more energy :) I've also turned one long curtain into 2 short ones for my kitchen because a cord on the venetian blind in there decided to break just before I went up to Auckland. I just need to get some things to go in the track to hang them on so I can hang them up to get the length right and then I'll finish off the hems.

And I'm still walking and enjoying it! After my long walk on the beach I might have mentioned that my sister is taking me on a walk around the cape next time she comes down, so I've started climbing hills! I've also done some FAST walking a couple of times - I didn't do anything fast when I was sick! And in the last month I've walked to the supermarket and back twice.

Also in the last month I have:

1. Had my oldest niece around for tea and taken my nieces to watch their mother (my sister) in a local Repertory Society play.

2. Been to the movies twice in one week! I saw Home By Christmas and Mao's Last Dancer. When I was in Auckland for the LP seminar I saw Mao's Last Dancer advertised and decided I wanted to go to the movies to see it when it came here. I have the book and really enjoyed the movie :)

3. Started a National Certificate in Computing course at Polytech. I've been going for a couple of hours once a week. I've just finished working through my first unit and have an "assessment" (I'm guessing that's a nice word for a test or exam) this week. It's supposed to take about an hour.

4. Done Communion at church - minus the anxiety which was a part of my illness and which kicked in big time last time I did it. It was so wonderful feeling totally relaxed while I was standing there speaking! I am soooo grateful for the Lightning Process!

5. I was a driver for Meals on Wheels for 3 days one week.

6. And last Saturday I played pool with my Dad for the first time in 13-14 years! We played for an hour and a half and I even managed to win one game with a really good shot. I was very pleased with that :) Dad's really good (he taught me to play snooker as a teenager on a full-sized billiard table at home so no comments about a "misspent youth" thank you!) and I was just pleased to be able to stand for long enough to be able to play! I love it and will be working on getting more practice :)

So my life is starting to become more normal! I'm working at least 2 hours a day when I can on my phone survey job too :) (Just had 2 days off this week because of my throat).

I'm also getting along to church nearly every week :)

And in amongst all this I'm praying and trying to sort out where God wants me to be heading. I know He'll show me at the right time...

That's about it, but it's likely I'll be doing another update soon with some more exciting news - I hope!!!

Until then,
Debbie :)


Anonymous said...

Hi there Debbie

How awesome is our God. I am so glad to hear of the changes in your life and the wonderful things you are finding yourself able to do. I can imagine that your family and close friends must be amazed to see the awesome experience you have been having. Praise God for His hand on your life and for leading you to the seminar.

May God's blessings continue to be yours Debbie

love Myra

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie, I have M.E and Fibromyalgia and have been contemplating the Lightning Process.. and just stumbled across your blog :). How are you finding your health now, several years down the track?
Thanks, Bella

Debbie said...

Hi Bella, I am still totally well. I have just passed my 3 year anniversary in Feb and have been thinking about doing a blog update, but because I'm working more than 40 hours a week some weeks, I don't have a lot of time! I would definitely recommend it - it has given me my life back :)