Saturday, 20 March 2010

One Month on from the LP Seminar already!

Ok, so here I am doing my update one month since the Lightning Process seminar. I am still doing amazingly well! I sat down and looked at my journal today of all I have been doing in the last month and it is just wonderful that I am now able to do whatever I want to without paying for it later.

This last week threw up a new challenge for me. On Tuesday I was emailing Ian (LP trainer) and I mentioned to him that I thought I was feeling a bit tired and that I thought I needed an early night. I realised a while later when I was started feeling achy and then developed a sore throat that the "feeling a bit tired" was actually "coming down with the flu"!

This has been a challenge for me because 15.5 years ago my M.E./CFS began with the flu and whenever I have had the flu over the past 15 years it has really knocked my energy levels for months at a time.

But I am so grateful I now have the LP to help me deal with it. The flu symptoms only lasted a couple of days and were gone by Friday morning. When I realised I had the flu I began taking garlic oil and echinacea straight away and picked up some vitamin C the next day and started taking it. I have also been taking it easy - no walking or doing anything strenuous until I feel I am over the flu! And I took some time off from my job. And I am feeling good! Yesterday morning, when I was lying in bed and feeling fatigue in my back and thinking that this was how I would be expecting to feel after the flu, I did the LP and it went away! This morning I found myself repeating my old pattern of "I'm probably feeling this tired because of all I did yesterday" and once I realised this and did the LP I began to feel fine again. The Lightning Process is still amazing me!

I am planning to be working again on Monday. And I'm looking forward to getting back into walking again soon because I have really been enjoying it. I was just at the stage where I was thinking of increasing the lengths of my walks when I got the flu, so hopefully it won't be long before I'm doing that!

I am actually glad I have had the challenge of dealing with the flu sooner rather than later. Because I can already see that I can recover from it quickly as my body is now behaving normally. Someone even congratulated me on having the flu - (there's a first! lol) - because it means my body is acting as it should be!

Last night I had a visit from a friend from out of town. I took her down to Subway to get our dinner and I had a 12 inch sub! I'm still finding it funny that I have an appetite!

I think I have gotten over the shock now of the sudden and major changes the LP has brought about in my life and I am looking at setting some more specific goals to achieve the things I am wanting to do now that I have my life back. But as you can see I haven't really worked out yet what "tired" means. For so many years I was so far beyond wiped out or exhausted and it's great that I'm not going to be feeling that "tired" again. Now it's a matter of learning what it's like to be healthy again! And when I am tired from now on it's only going to be a matter of having an early night or getting more sleep! So strange but wonderful!

I have already bought myself a new digital camera and will be able to have more fun with it than I had with my old one because I can go to more places to take photos!

Enjoying my new life,
Debbie :D

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Two Weeks since the Lightning Process Seminar

Well, it's 2 weeks since the seminar and I'm feeling great! Yesterday I sent Ian an email with my two week's worth of successes and it was long! I am so excited to be able to do anything I want to do without paying for it later.

I've been walking nearly every day. I'm keeping it to about 20 minutes at the moment, but I'm already noticing strength in my legs - like they actually want to be walking! Today I took them for a treat ;) I went for a walk some of the way around the cape and they got a good workout going up and down hills :)

I've also been going out most days - something new for me after only being able to go out 2 or 3 times a week on a good week!

This week I went to see my doctor. She was really excited for me and she gave me a prescription so I can start coming off some of my medication :)

I also sat down with my pastor and explained about the LP to him and answered his questions. He wants to be ready for questions from people in the church!

The day after I got home from my trip I started working and have increased the amount of work I'm doing by an hour a day.

We were asked to keep a journal for the first couple of weeks and I think I will probably carry on with it. A couple of days ago I stopped and read some of it. All I could think was "Wow! I did all that one day and woke up feeling fine and did all that the next day and woke up feeling fine and did all that!!!!!"

I'm still coming to terms with my new life. Of course I knew there would be quite a few adjustments to make but I don't think I expected the change brought about by the LP to be so major and sudden! There's a reason why it's called the Lightning Process! It's probably going to take me a bit longer to develop a new routine but with the extra hours I'm working during the week, the weekend is actually feeling like a weekend now!

I'm getting through my to do list for today. This update was one of the things on the list. I'm going now to do some ironing and to make a birthday card for my little niece, Faith, who will be 2 years old next Saturday...

Until next time....

Debbie :D