Saturday, 27 February 2010

More Info and Helpful Links re Lightning Process

If you would like to read my friend Richard's story you will find it here on Ian's website: and this is it written from his mother's perspective:

Ian's website is a helpful one so if you want more info you will find it there or on the official website:

If you are looking for more detail of what is taught at the seminar this is a good page on a different website:

If you are a Christian reading about the LP (or even if you're not) don't be put off by some of the terms they use. They talk about "self-hypnosis". There was no hypnotising of anyone. We were all in total control all the time. Really it was just remembering something and visualising it. I was totally comfortable with everything we were taught to do and at no time did I feel uncomfortable with any of it. I believe God led me to do this so He could heal me (He uses doctors too!) and I am well now!

They have been having success with the LP in England for 10 years treating conditions such as ME, CFS, FMS & PVS and similar conditions such as MCS and Adrenal Fatigue, etc. It also works for Anxiety and Depression. Some private health insurance companies in England and Norway are considering funding the LP for their patients and if you live in Norway and have ME, CFS, etc. the doctor will most likely refer you to the LP!

If you live in Australia or New Zealand, Ian is the only LP Practitioner in this part of the world at the moment. He has a list of seminar dates and locations on his website. He only began seminars in NZ at the beginning of last year and has only been doing them in Auckland so far, but is hoping to do one in Christchurch soon and can also do the seminar by arrangement at your home if you need him to do that. It costs a bit of money but I think it was worth every cent and the trouble that it took for me to get to the seminar.

If you have ME/CFS, Fibro or anything similar, please look into it. There is a lot of negative stuff on the internet about it that simply isn't true, e.g. we did not have to sign a legal document saying we wouldn't talk about it! We were told we can say anything we like. Phil Parker (who developed the LP) is becoming aware of the rumours and is planning to put more info on the main website.

And if you have any questions, please ask me or I think you can contact Ian through his website if you want to.

Debbie :D

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